How to Play the Sorry Game

How to Play the Sorry Game

Sorry is an enjoyable family board game designed for two to four players aged six or above, with each player selecting their color of four pawns and placing them on their Start Space. After shuffling, one person is chosen as “first player”.

There are eleven cards you can draw during a turn, with cards like one and two moving one pawn off its start space while seven and eleven splitting it between both pawns.


Sorry is an ideal board game to introduce children to strategy with. Its simple rules make it accessible even to young children while its challenges appeal to older players.

Objective of the Game: Be the First One To Transport Four Pawns Around the Board And to their Home Space The game involves moving all four of your colored pawns from their starting spots around the board to their “home” spaces using cards drawn from a deck played during each turn, movement being controlled solely by cards played from it.

A pawn can travel up to 12 spaces with each card played, such as 7 which allows two pawns to advance seven spaces individually or 11 which requires one pawn to move forward eleven spaces while one moves backwards one space. Placing your pawn on its start square and outside your opponent’s “Start” square is generally undesirable since newcomers cannot enter the game, while skilled players employ various strategies and tactics in order to increase their odds of victory.


There are various variations of the Sorry game available, each altering how it plays and following rules differently from others, to increase strategy and challenge of gameplay. Some examples include taking out sixes and nines from a deck of cards; splitting seven cards between two pawns; or using four as a way back four spaces – among many others.

A player wins by being the first to advance all four of their pawns from their color Start space to their color Home space in one turn, using cards with instructions determining how far each turn can move them forward or backward. They may also try to slow their opponents’ advancement by bumping backwards against them.

Original versions of the game included a diamond space one space back from each Start square with different colours; any pawn with that colour was not permitted to move forward over this space. Later editions eliminated this rule, so players can split a 7 card movement among two pawns without using its balance as the basis for further movement.


Sorry is a card-based board game where players draw cards that allow them to move their pawns around the board until they reach their Home space, considered safe zone. The first player who gets all four pawns into their Home spaces wins the game; later editions may include additional mechanics like “Fire and Ice” power-ups; however these do not alter its basic rules.

Each player selects a color and places four pawns from that hue on its designated Start spaces. A deck of cards is then shuffled and placed on the gameboard where it reads, “Place Cards Here.” An orderly system ensures one player takes turns starting.

Each player draws a card and moves their pawns according to its instructions. A 7 card may be divided between two pawns, although each pawn may only move forward once per turn. If one moves into an opponent-occupied space, that pawn must return back to its Start location before continuing play.


Sorry is a board game in which players race their pawns around the board to reach Home space before their opponents do, with victory going to the one who achieves this first. A large element of luck determines each turn as players draw cards from a deck each turn for movement decisions.

The game features various cards, such as “Sorry”, which allows you to move an opponent’s pawn back towards your starting space, or other cards which change its rules, such as the “11”, which lets players swap places with an opponent pawn on the board.

Normal gameplay involves moving clockwise/forward. However, four and ten cards allow you to move backwards as well. Furthermore, 11 allows you to pass past your own diamond space (if there is a pawn there). With it you may bump other pawns back to Start or move into the Safety Zone on spaces belonging to your own color – not on other players’ spaces!


The game can be enjoyed by one or multiple players. Each player selects their color of pawns to place on the Start space on the board. A deck of cards is then shuffled and spread around for every turn a player takes – most cards provide instructions such as moving forward/backward a certain number of spaces; others may send other players’ pawns back towards their Starting spaces!

Players may also play with slides. When their pawns land on an intersecting triangle with another color, that player must slide down and bump all other pawns back to their Start space (including themselves). Finally, they may also draw Sorry cards that allow them to select another player’s pawns and return them all to their Start spots.

The final step of the game is getting your pawns home safely. When they reach the Safety Zone, they’re protected from bumps or other cards that might affect them; however, if they enter it backward, they could still be vulnerable to other cards that come their way.


Mastering the Sorry! game is a journey through strategy, luck, and a touch of mischief. With its simple rules and unpredictable twists, it offers endless opportunities for fun and friendly competition. The blend of careful planning and tactical moves, combined with the chance elements of the card draws, keeps every game fresh and exciting. As players navigate the board, aiming to reach Home while strategically bumping opponents’ pawns back to Start, the game unfolds into a thrilling race to victory. Sorry! is not just a game; it’s a delightful balance of strategy and luck that brings friends and family together for memorable gaming experiences.

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